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Let’s face it, we are all so pumped to watch our Aussies in Paris, and so while the good vibes are high, we thought we’d tally up the results from our series of social polls to find out what are Australia’s top opinions when it comes to the Games!

What is the best country the Games have been held in?
Kicking off with an easy one, the results for this poll were all in favour of AUSTRALIA – no surprises really! The Games in Sydney will go down in history as the people’s favourite.

What is the best mascot?
Call us Aussies patriotic because the top answers for this poll were our very own mascots for those epic Sydney Games – Syd, Olly and Millie! Who could forget those cuties that helped us all bring in the new millennium?

What is the best track and field sport?
Judging by the results here we love things FAST! All of the sprints got a shout out with the Javelin coming in a hot second.

What is the most iconic opening ceremony performance?
We hear you loud and clear, these results were TIED between Sydney and London, and we have to agree – it’s too hard to pick just one!

What sport would you love to see added to the Games?
We loved your creativity in these results! From Putt Putt to Ultimate Frisbee, Motor-cross to Netball we heard it all!

What sport looks the hardest?
Now, this one was unanimous – Swimming!

What sport looks the easiest?
It’s not hard to call a sport ‘easy’ from the safety of the couch. We know we’re all just having some light-hearted fun here. The top votes were for Darts and Golf, which we’re sure you all wouldn’t be as confident in your abilities if you were up there representing your country!!

What is the best swim stroke?
Who knew this question would spike so many different responses! We know us Aussies love the pool, but we are also SO undecided on our fave stroke. Freestyle, backstroke, butterfly… and who could vote no to yelling “GO” when the breast stroke competitors pop their heads up?! We love them all.

Do you prefer to stay up late to watch the games or get up early to watch the games?
This one was a 50/50 split. It seems you’re all tied between being night owls or morning people. And with the time difference this year, we think you’ll all find your best time to see the action!

What is the most entertaining sport?
It turns out we all love a relay, be it on the track, velodrome or in the pool, we are all definitely invested in these drama filled races! Meanwhile, a big chunk of Aussies reckon basketball is the next most-entertaining sport, maybe we fancy Australia’s chances for a medal this year! And while we’re not going to see this sport contested in Paris, there are plenty of people who say that Rugby League is in the top 3 most-entertaining sports. Maybe it’s about time the rest of the world got on board with the game!

So here’s to the games and here’s to its Aussie heroes. Make some noise for your home team!